The classic girls series, Pretty Cure, is on the verge to launch on ADN (the French SVOD platform specialized in anime content). The first season (49×30’) will be available on the platform from July 14th, and the...
The classic girls series, Pretty Cure, is on the verge to launch on ADN (the French SVOD platform specialized in anime content). The first season (49×30’) will be available on the platform from July 14th, and the...
Due to the state of emergency in Japan caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, TOEI ANIMATION carefully considered the safety measures for the spread and has decided tosuspend the simulcastand Japanese broadcasting of ONE PIECE...
The new Digimon series will also be available across EMEA on Crunchyroll, where episodes will be streamed in simulcast, right after the Japanese launch. In France, the series will also be out on SVOD platform ADN. Both p...
SVOD platforms and TV channels are adapting their broadcasting grids to the quarantine situation. In Germany, SVOD platforms Anime on Demand and Crunchyroll will reschedule One Piece simulcast to Sunday at 5 pm (Paris/Be...
The new Digimon Adventure series production is now over. The series is all set for TV screens. It will start airing on Japanese TV from April 5th, and will be available shortly for EMEA TV channels.
Latest Toei Animation production Butt Detective is coming to European screens ! The 13×26’ series will start airing from April 1st in Russia, on free TV 2×2. The adventures of the funny-looking detective is a...