The 22nd installment of the long-running Precure series, You & Idol Precure!, premieres on Sunday, February 2, 2025. This beloved anime franchise, which began in 2004, continues to captivate audiences with fresh themes and motifs each year.
As the title suggests, the theme of this Precure series is “Idol.” Its catchy slogan is:
“Let’s sing, dance, and please the crowd! You and I! Kirakilala~!”
The story traditionally follows young protagonists who transform into legendary warriors, “Precure,” to battle evil and protect their everyday lives, while growing through friendships and teamwork.
In this new series, Uta Sakura, an eighth-grade student with a passion for singing, encounters a mysterious fairy named Purirun, who is searching for the Legendary Saviors known as “Idol Precure.” Purirun’s homeland, Kirakiland, has fallen into darkness due to the villainous Team Chokkiri, led by Darkine, who begins stealing sparkles from Hanamichi Town’s residents. Determined to restore the light, Uta transforms into Cure Idol, embracing her songs as a source of hope and power.
More information to come soon !